Dudley Grange hosts Donnie and the Coyotes 7:00 on August 6th ( rain date August 13)
Light refreshments will be available ( water and soda) and baked goodies from the Bake Table.
Buy Fresh – Buy Local – Quality Dudley Farm Products
Dudley Grange Events
Light refreshments will be available ( water and soda) and baked goodies from the Bake Table.
If you like some good 60’s and 70’s Rock N Roll, Blues or R&B , come see the Great Garage Band Reunion this Saturday , July 9th at 6:00. It is a free concert on the lawn at the Dudley Grange located at 139 Center Rd. In Dudley. So bring your lawn chair and kick […]
Dudley Grange Annual Strawberry Festival is back June 16th!
On May 14th from 9:00 to 2:00, Dudley Grange will have zucchini, summer squash, butternut and pumpkin plants available for sale during the “Dudley Grows Together” Plant Hop sponsored by the Dudley Agricultural Commission. Also, Strawberry Shortcake tickets will be available for sale for the Annual Dudley Grange Strawberry Festival being held on June 16th […]
“5 Things You Need To Know to be a Successful Gardner”. Lanett Lepper of Armstrong Acres will present an informative talk, for beginner as well as experienced gardeners, on growing flowers and vegetables. We look forward to seeing you on April 12th at 7:00pm. Dudley Grange is located at 139 Center Road.
The Dudley Grange Annual Strawberry Festival will be held this year on June 16th on the Dudley Grange lawn located at 139 Center Road. The Strawberry Festival has been held on the Dudley Hill for over 60 years bringing family and friends together from all over for an old fashion lawn party. This is our […]
The Dudley Grange and Dudley Conservation Land Trust will be located on the Dudley Grange lawn at 139 Center Road. Stop by and get your vegetable and flowering plants while supporting our organizations. The Dudley Grange will be offering summer squash, winter squash and pumpkin plants for sale. Strawberry Shortcake Tickets for the 2022 Dudley […]
13th Dudley Grange Apple Festival/ Craft Fair.th Dudley Grange Apple Festival/ Craft Fair. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2021 AT 10 AM EDT – 4 PM EDT Dudley Grange Apple Festival crisp tickets are in. We will have tickets available at the Dudley town hall and Peter’s hair salon. As well as members having tickets. Dudley Grange […]
Saturday October 5th, 2019 at 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM EDT Dudley Hill – Black Tavern – Grange Area The newly formed Agricultural Commission invites you to join us as we celebrate Agriculture in Dudley. -Local farmers will be selling their products -Fairy Gardens for the kids to make -Watch a pumpkin carver make a […]